August 31, 2023

Israel and Palestinian Territories in August 2023

Israel and Palestinian Territories in August 2023 August 1,2023  Gaza Protests Demand End to Hamas Rule Amid Economic Hardship (Jerusalem Post). Thousands of Palestinians in Gaza protested against economic hardship, demanding an end to Hamas rule. The protests, triggered by high living costs and shortages of electricity and gas, saw some reports of Hamas security […]

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Iran in August 2023

Iran in August 2023 August 1, 2023  Iranian Hardliners Exposed US Envoy Robert Malley’s Alleged Secret Contacts, Says Tehran Editor (Iran International). Iranian hardliners, known as the “merchants of sanctions,” are claimed to have exposed US envoy Robert Malley’s alleged secret negotiations with Iranian officials. Masih Mohajeri, an influential conservative newspaper editor in Tehran, accuses

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Turkiye in August 2023

Turkiye in August 2023 August 1, 2023 Istanbul Sets Deadline for Syrians to Leave or Return to Registered Provinces (Hurriyet Daily News). Turkey’s Interior Ministry has issued an ultimatum to Syrians under temporary protection, giving them until September 24 to leave Istanbul if registered in other provinces. The move comes as authorities aim to address

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Africa in August 2023

August 1, 2023 International Recognition Withdrawn from Dabaiba’s Government; Inclusive Government Formation Underway in Libya (Libya Akhbar). Presidential Candidate Al-Bioudi Reveals Withdrawal of International Recognition from Dabaiba’s Government in Libya. UN Envoy’s Support for Two Councils’ Map Aims to Form Inclusive Government. Regional and International Developments Shaping Libya’s Next Stage with New Government Formation and

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 Syria in Aug, 2023

Aug 1, 2023 Regional Normalization with Assad Fuels Catastrophic Crisis in Syria (Syria TV). The recent efforts by regional countries, such as Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and Jordan, to normalize relations with the Syrian regime led by Bashar al-Assad have resulted in severe consequences for Syria. The country faces an escalating drug trade with the

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