Facade Inauguration, Uranium Enrichment, Proxy Terrorism Secure Iran’s Top Terror Financier Role

Today's Headlines

By: Rania Kisar, Catherine Perez-Shakdam, Ahmad Barbour, Early Phoenix Team, ACLS July 28, 2024

Khamenei’s Grip Tightens: Unchanged Nuclear Ambitions, Exporting Revolution


Editor’s Note: 

The summaries below offer an in-depth look at ACLS’s evidence-based analyses. Each link leads to a compelling narrative that portrays the Iranian regime’s true nature. To explore the supporting evidence validating Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s warnings about Iran as a major global financier of terrorism, be sure to review both studies.


Khamenei’s Endorsement of Pezeshkian Ensures Continued Regional Instability

Executive Summary: 

Ayatollah Khamenei has solidified his power by endorsing Masoud Pezeshkian as Iran’s president, reinforcing control over Iran’s policies. Khamenei’s anti-U.S. and anti-Israel rhetoric and his influence over key appointments indicate a continuation of Iran’s nuclear ambitions and proxy support. The regime’s extensive funding for destabilizing the region, including backing Hezbollah, Hamas, and Shia militias, highlights its strategic goals. This deep-dive analysis will highlight Khamenei’s efforts to strengthen his grip through political and economic maneuvers, detailing his anti-Western rhetoric, financial support for militant groups, and the regional impact, while also noting Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s call for a U.S.-Israel alliance against Iran.
Ayatollah Khamenei’s strategic use of Iran’s political and economic systems, demonstrated by his key appointments and new Iranian President Pezeshkian’s unwavering loyalty, signals the continuation of contentious nuclear ambitions and support for proxy groups, ensuring unchallenged authority and ongoing regional and global instability.

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Pezeshkian Endorsed in Grand Facade Ceremony Reinforcing Khamenei’s Control

In a meticulously orchestrated grand Tanfiz ceremony in Tehran, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei solidified his control over Iran by endorsing Masoud Pezeshkian as president, two days before Pezeshkian’s parliamentary oath. This event was not merely ceremonial but a clear demonstration of Khamenei’s tightening grip on power.


Iranian state media claimed the inauguration was attended by 70 foreign delegates, including presidents and prime ministers, but did not name any attendees. This deliberate omission masks the autocratic reality of Khamenei’s unchallenged authority, presenting a facade of international legitimacy.


Ayatollah Khamenei reiterated his deep-rooted animosity towards the United States and its allies, reinforcing the ideological foundations of his regime. In his speech, he condemned the “barbaric actions of the usurping Zionist regime,” labeling them as “a gang of criminals, murderers, and terrorists.” His rhetoric extended to a historical critique of the pre-1979 monarchy, emphasizing that the Mullah governance provides true democratic choice, unlike the “pro-West king” Mohammad-Reza Pahlavi, who relied on U.S. and British support. 


The event further demonstrated Khamenei’s unchallenged authority, with Pezeshkian pledging unwavering adherence to the Leader’s directives, calling him the “guiding light” for the new administration. While he mentioned the electorate’s decision, he emphasized that his mandate comes from Khamenei’s “presidential decree,” proving the superficial nature of democratic processes in Iran.


Pezeshkian’s program, echoing Khamenei’s directives, has reportedly chosen former Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi as the next foreign minister and Ali-Akbar Salehi to head the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran. These selections are not coincidental but a deliberate move to ensure the continuation of Iran’s contentious nuclear ambitions and support for proxy groups. As for the rest of the cabinet, Pezeshkian has two more weeks to submit his selections for Khamenei’s approval. 


In addition to his full control of key appointments, he has, through the rest of his Mullah regime hardliners, full control of the Parliament. Khamenei’s manipulation of parliamentary dynamics and financial control underscores his unchallenged rule, as demonstrated by the recent fierce competition for control of the Audit Office. This office, meant to ensure financial oversight and the national budget, has been strategically used by hardliners to cover internal corruption, with figures like Saeed Jalili and Ali Akbar Raefipour evading scrutiny despite financial misconduct accusations. Over the past four years, the Audit office has funneled billions to the IRGC, supporting its regional destabilization and proxy groups.


Iran’s Ideological Foreign Policy: Opposing U.S. and Israel

Iran’s foreign policy, shaped by Ayatollah Khomeini’s revolutionary ideology and upheld under Ayatollah Khamenei, focuses on exporting revolutionary beliefs, opposing Israel, and countering U.S. influence. Before their rise to power in 1979, Khomeini and Khamenei, then regarded as low-clergy storytellers in Iran, harbored deep animosity toward the United States, viewing it as their primary obstacle due to ideological and strategic reasons. Khomeini labeled the U.S. as the “Great Satan,” blaming it for supporting the Shah’s oppressive regime and promoting Western secularism in the Islamic world.


Post-1979, the Islamic Republic’s stance on Israel was significantly influenced by ideological manipulation of scripture. Khomeini and his successor’s profound animosity towards Israel led them to deem Jews as “najasa” (a derogatory term for impurity), using this propaganda to incite hatred against Jewish control over Islamic holy sites in Jerusalem, which they saw as a grave insult.


Iran Allocates $17B Annually on Destabilizing Activities in the Region

Iran spends $17 billion annually to support militant groups like Hezbollah, Hamas, Assad, Iraqi militias, and the Houthis, aiming to destabilize over a dozen countries. Under Khamenei, Iran bolsters Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza, undermining Israeli security. In Syria and Yemen, Iran seeks to establish a “Shia Crescent,” challenging Sunni states like Saudi Arabia. The IRGC’s proxy warfare supports terrorism, posing direct threats to American and Israeli security.


Iran’s Support to Hezbollah-Hamas-PIJ Proxy Front

Iran’s substantial support for Hezbollah, Hamas, and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) shapes regional dynamics. Since the 1980s, Iran has given Hezbollah $700 million annually, fueling instability through actions like the Beirut barracks and AMIA bombings. Hamas receives up to $100 million annually, controlling Gaza and escalating conflicts with Israel. Iran’s backing of PIJ perpetuates regional instability. Post-2003, Iran supported Iraqi Shia militias, contributing to sectarian violence. Since 2015, Iran has backed Yemen’s Houthis with advanced weaponry, escalating regional conflicts and countering Saudi influence.


Assad Proxy Front Vital Supply Chain Route

Since the Syrian conflict began in 2011, Iran has supported Bashar al-Assad with over $16 billion in military and financial aid, making Syria a strategic asset and supply route. Iran has deployed IRGC and Hezbollah fighters to bolster Assad, who has used chemical weapons against civilians. This support has worsened the conflict, causing instability and a refugee crisis, complicating diplomacy, and demonstrating Iran’s willingness to back regimes committing severe human rights abuses to maintain geopolitical influence.


Iran’s Billion-Dollar Support Fuels Iraq’s Shia Militias

Iran provides $1 billion annually to Shia militias in Iraq for financial aid, military training, and weapons, enabling attacks on U.S. forces and destabilizing the Iraqi government. These Iranian-backed militias contribute to sectarian violence and act as proxies in the regional struggle against Sunni Arab states and Western interests, furthering Iran’s geopolitical goals. Their activities include numerous attacks against U.S. personnel and Sunni populations, exacerbating instability within Iraq.


Netanyahu Proposes U.S.-Israel Led Anti-Iran Alliance in Congress

In a pivotal address to the U.S. Congress, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu advocated for a new Middle East anti-Iran alliance, spurred by U.S. and Israeli leadership. Amid escalating regional tensions and the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Netanyahu emphasized the unity of interests between America and Israel against Iranian influences, describing the conflicts as battles against a formidable adversary. This address, his first since the Hamas attack on October 7, highlighted the intertwined nature of Israel’s skirmishes with Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis as direct confrontations with Iran.


2023: Iran’s Expanding Global Terrorism Network Exposed

Executive Summary: 

In 2023, Iran’s extensive role in global terrorism was starkly revealed in a timeline evidenced based on historical intercepts proving without a doubt, Iran’s old and current policies directly contributing to global and regional instability. 

The year saw numerous plots, including assassination attempts on U.S. officials, arms smuggling, and support for militant groups. Iran’s military advancements, such as missile development and drone technology, highlighted its aggressive posture. Collaborations with Russia, nuclear threats, and cyber-attacks against the U.S. and Israel underscored its disruptive influence. This timeline provides critical insights into Iran’s strategic actions and the pressing need for international countermeasures. Explore how Iran’s terror activities shape global security today.

Iran Annual Report 2023: Global Terrorism, Assassinations, Weapons, Nuclear Threats

By: Rania Kisar, Catherine Perez-Shakdam, Ahmad Barbour, Early Phoenix Team, ACLS July 28, 2024

The 2023 timeline reveals Iran’s extensive role in global terrorism, showcasing its involvement in assassination plots, weapon smuggling, and aggressive nuclear pursuits. Iran’s support for proxy groups, strategic military alliances, and cyber warfare, along with internal repression, highlights its strategy to destabilize global security, underscoring the need for heightened international vigilance and response.

The year 2023 has unequivocally illustrated Iran’s extensive involvement in global terrorism, as detailed in this comprehensive timeline meticulously compiled by the Early Phoenix Team. Grounded in rigorous research and methodical verification, this timeline underscores Iran’s multifaceted roles as a supporter of conflicts, a violator of international norms, and a provocateur in regions from the Middle East to Eastern Europe. 

Supported by valuable archives from the American Center for Law and Strategy (ACLS), the Early Phoenix Team’s research benefits from the ACLS’s dedicated portal, [Search by Country](, which provides an organized and accessible compilation of news events, offering researchers an unrivaled repository of information across numerous countries and topics, thereby allowing for a nuanced and deep understanding of global events.

This timeline not only serves as a stark reminder of the ongoing challenges posed by state-sponsored terrorism but also highlights the importance of continual monitoring and reporting of such activities. 

The timeline aims to equip policymakers, scholars, and the global community with the insights needed to address and counter the threats posed by Iran’s actions on the international stage. 


Early Phoenix Team’s Iran Assessment:

Class A Global Terrorism Financier

Graphical representation of Iran's involvement in global terrorism in 2023, highlighting assassination plots, arms smuggling, and nuclear activities.

Iran’s Global Terrorism 2023 Year in Review: Assassination Plots and Arms Smuggling


Iran’s role in global terrorism is highlighted by its actions and plots. 


December 2022: Escalating Military and Covert Operations


In December 2022, the IRGC plotted to assassinate U.S. officials John Bolton and Mike Pompeo using a non-Iranian agent, but the FBI thwarted this plan. Iran supplied Shahed Kamikaze drones to Russia for attacks on Kyiv, despite denials. Iran used Mahan Air for arms smuggling into Syria and Lebanon and detained American hostages, including Simak Namazi, Murad Tahbaz, Shihab Dalili, and Imad Sharqi. Iran’s cooperation with Russia includes plans to acquire Sukhoi Su-35 fighter jets, and it obstructs the investigation into Flight PS752’s downing.


Iran’s January-February 2023: Money Laundering, Assassination Plots, Aggression

In January 2023, the IRGC used the Iranian embassy in Iraq for sophisticated money laundering to fund covert operations. In February, they revisited assassination plots against U.S. officials John Bolton and Mike Pompeo, deployed warships towards the Panama Canal, and confirmed protection of al-Qaeda leader Seif al-Adel. Iran continued supplying drones to Russia, supporting global conflicts, and publicly threatened former President Donald Trump, demonstrating its aggressive tactics and intent to project military power and influence in international waters.


Iran’s March 2023: Missile Development, Nuclear Threats, Military Drills

In March 2023, Iran developed advanced ballistic missiles capable of striking moving naval targets, significantly escalating its military technology. Secret shipments of millions of bullets and shells to Russia for use in the Ukraine conflict underscored Iran’s role in international warfare. The U.S. and European nations raised concerns over Iran’s uranium enrichment activities nearing weapons-grade levels, posing a severe global nuclear threat. Additionally, Iran conducted joint naval drills with China and Russia in the Gulf of Oman, showcasing its strategic military alliances and enhanced regional capabilities.


Iran’s Support for Global Terrorism: April 2023

In April 2023, Iran declared the U.S. no longer a superpower and aimed to pursue foreign relations independently of the JCPOA. The G7 urged Iran to halt its nuclear escalation and arms support to Russia. Former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett remarked that Iran’s influence turns nations into failed states. Iran increased anti-Israel rhetoric, boasting about proxy attacks. Iranian hackers unsuccessfully attempted to infiltrate the U.S. election results website, countered by U.S. Cyber Command. Iran also facilitated significant ammunition shipments to Russia via the Caspian Sea.


Iran’s May 2023: Weapons Smuggling, Drug Trafficking, Nuclear Expansion

In May 2023, Iran smuggled weapons into Syria disguised as earthquake aid, while the U.S. seized $80 million worth of heroin linked to Iran. Iran provided drones for Russian attacks on Ukraine, with the IRGC commander threatening further actions against the U.S. Iran continued nuclear advancements, including plans for a deep underground facility and enhanced uranium enrichment. Iran used civilian ships as floating bases for terror activities, and an Iranian hacktivist group disclosed ongoing nuclear developments.


June 2023: Iran’s Aggressive Posture, Diplomatic Efforts, Economic Surge

In June 2023, the U.S. exposed Iran’s assistance in building a Russian drone factory. Indirect U.S.-Iran talks addressed nuclear and regional activities, while Iran aimed to commercialize nuclear products. President Raisi criticized Trump in Venezuela. An Iranian suicide drone test in the Gulf was reported. Iran’s oil exports soared, defying U.S. sanctions. Leaked documents showed Iran anticipated fallout for arming Russia. Iranian cargo planes frequented Russia’s Hmeimim Airbase. Israeli research identified Iranian scientists aiding Russia’s drones. Trade with China hit $6.5 billion. Mossad disrupted an Iranian terror plot in Cyprus.

In June 2023, secret talks in Oman hinted at potential U.S.-Iran nuclear negotiations, with U.S. Special Envoy Robert Malley engaging directly with Iranian Ambassador Saeed Erwani, despite official denials. U.S. and UK navies intervened after Iranian forces harassed a commercial vessel in the Strait of Hormuz, escalating regional tensions. Reports indicated that former Iranian security chief Ali Shamkhani received $3.5 million annually from an IRGC-backed drug lord, highlighting high-level corruption. Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei declared Iran’s nuclear infrastructure as non-negotiable, intensifying concerns over a nuclear standoff. 


Iran’s July 2023: Economic Ties, Military Actions, Cyber Threats

In July 2023, Iraq transferred $10 billion to Iran for non-sanctioned purchases, highlighting strong economic ties. On July 6, the U.S. Navy stopped Iranian forces from seizing two tankers in the Gulf of Oman. The International Court of Justice acted against Iran for downing a Ukrainian plane, and Iran announced $40 billion in new oil deals. Iranian hackers targeted U.S. nuclear experts, and the IRGC seized a fuel-smuggling tanker. NATO expressed concerns over Iran supplying drones to Russia. Non-oil trade with China reached $7.8 billion. Iran conducted military exercises with advanced missiles.


Iran’s August 2023: Terrorism, Malley Controversy, Cyber Attacks, Nuclear Threats

In August 2023, Iran’s global terrorism activities included secret talks with US envoy Robert Malley, a $6 billion prisoner swap deal, and showcasing AI-powered missiles and advanced drones. Iran announced a supersonic cruise missile and planned military cooperation with China. A cyber attack on the UK’s Electoral Commission implicated Iran, and a scandal revealed its purchase of surveillance technology. Iran established 45 trade centers, faced maritime tensions in the Strait of Hormuz, and neared testing a nuclear weapon. The International Court of Justice acted against Iran over the Ukrainian plane downing, and GhostSec exposed Iranian surveillance of citizens.


Iran’s September 2023: Drone Plans, Sanctions, Assassination Plot, Investigations

In September 2023, Iran announced plans to produce Kaman-12 and Kaman-22 drones and reiterated its commitment to regional stability. The UK investigated 21 academics for assisting Iran’s military, and Iran deployed 10 brigades along its borders. The IRGC planned to deploy water-landing naval drones in the Persian Gulf. The US imposed sanctions on individuals linked to Iran’s drone program, and Israel thwarted an assassination plot on its National Security Minister linked to Iran. The US Defense Department investigated Ariane Tabatabai for alleged covert contacts with Iran.


Iran’s October 2023: Drone Exercises, Naval Drills, Hamas Support

In October 2023, Iran planned a comprehensive drone exercise, highlighting advancements with potential regional security impacts. Iran conducted naval drills using suicide drones, escalating tensions with Europe. A meeting on October 2 led to Hamas and PIJ attacks on Israel, supported by Iran. Iranian media launched an anti-Israel campaign. Ayatollah Khamenei denied Iran’s role in Hamas attacks, and Iranian officials issued warnings to the U.S. Discussions between Russia and Iran focused on defense and energy cooperation. With UN sanctions expiring, Iran and Russia’s military cooperation intensified. Iran’s Foreign Minister warned the UN about Israeli actions. Intelligence Minister Khatib supported Hamas, and MEMRI TV confirmed Iran’s financial and military backing for Palestinian groups.


November 2023: Iran escalates global terrorism via military, cyber.

In November 2023, Iran’s involvement in global terrorism escalated significantly. Ayatollah Khamenei urged Muslim nations to boycott Israel, highlighting its reliance on U.S. support. Iranian Commander Esmail Qaani coordinated with Hezbollah, while the IRGC’s Major General Hossein Salami criticized U.S. policies. Iran’s support for Gaza and proxy forces intensified, with military actions against U.S. and Israeli targets in Syria and the Red Sea. Iran’s strategic use of Syrian airbases, nuclear inspector obstructions, advanced military acquisitions from Russia, and cyber-attacks on U.S. utilities underscore its ongoing regional influence and hostility toward U.S. interests.


December 2023: Iran’s Regional Influence and Global Security

In December 2023, Iran’s regional and global influence intensified. IRGC Commander Hossein Salami renewed threats against the US and Israel amid an Israel-Hamas truce extension. Iran showcased its maritime dominance with the largest merchant fleet in the Middle East and detained ships for alleged fuel smuggling. Supreme Leader Khamenei called for reducing US influence and supporting Palestinian sovereignty. The country vowed retaliation against Israel for the death of IRGC officers, while President Raisi strengthened ties with Russia. Iran advanced its space capabilities with a bioscience capsule launch and asserted control over the Red Sea. The EU sanctioned Iranian individuals linked to drone sales, and Iranian hackers targeted Israeli sectors. Additionally, Iran’s IRGC leveraged Mahdism doctrine to shape its confrontational stance, and social media manipulation efforts disrupted Israeli harmony. Corruption scandals and legal actions, including Switzerland’s attempt to arrest Iran’s President, highlighted systemic issues within the country.


Conclusion: Iran’s Extensive 2023 Terrorism Activities Demand Global Response

In 2023, Iran’s role as a global financier and perpetrator of terrorism became clear. The timeline reveals Iran’s involvement in assassination plots, weapon supply to conflict zones like Ukraine, and aggressive nuclear ambitions. Its strategic military alliances, cyber warfare, and internal repression further destabilize international security. Support for militant groups and violations of international norms reflect a strategy to expand influence and undermine global stability. This evidence underscores the need for increased vigilance and a strong international response to counter Iran’s ongoing terrorist activities.


📌 In case you missed it,

📰  Israel’s Security and America’s Iran Policy: A Crucial Intersection

📰  THE EARLY PHOENIX July 17, 2024


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