Assad’s Role in Iranian Resistance and Israel’s Strategic Strikes

Today's Headlines


August 26, 2024



    1. Assad Enables Hezbollah and Iran’s Anti-Israel Operations in Syria

    Israeli airstrikes on Friday targeted critical sites in Homs and Hama, disrupting Hezbollah and Iranian operations supported by Assad. The strikes hit the Maarin Scientific Studies and Research Center in southern Hama, which is linked to missile development efforts. Additionally, Israeli warplanes targeted the 47th Brigade of Assad’s 11th Division and associated warehouses in northern Hama. Those warehouses have been occupied by Hezbollah and Iranian militias for several years. 

    Furthermore, airstrikes destroyed Hezbollah-linked fuel kiosks on the Safita-Homs road, causing significant explosions and heavy smoke in western Homs. Israel also targeted an air defense battalion near Umm Haratin, close to the Syrian-Lebanese border, further crippling Assad’s military infrastructure. Despite attempts, Assad’s air defenses failed to intercept the incoming missiles, allowing Israel to successfully strike all intended targets. These operations are part of Israel’s broader strategy to curtail Iranian influence and weapon transfers facilitated by the Assad regime in Syria.

    1. Assad Forces and Militias Retaliate Striking U.S. Patrol Convoy

    In retaliation for the Israeli strike on Homs and Hama the previous day, Assad forces launched an attack. Backed by tribal fighters, Lebanese, and Iranian militias, they targeted a U.S.-led patrol after it departed Al-Omar base on Saturday morning. Assad regime forces launched a second attack, triggering intense clashes with the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) across multiple areas. The conflict spread to al-Busayrah, Darnaj, Tabiyeh Jazira, and Hawiij, intensifying the ongoing violence in the region. The Euphrates River contact lines, separating the SDF from regime forces and Iranian-backed militias, are witnessing daily clashes. International coalition forces conduct military drills within their bases, anticipating Iranian militia attacks and preparing for continued conflict in the region.

      1. Assad Highlights Syria’s Role in Regional Resistance Against Israel

      Bashar al-Assad emphasized Syria’s critical role in the regional resistance, particularly in conflicts involving Israel. He framed Syria’s strategic interests as aligned with regional resistance movements against Western and Israeli influence. Assad did not explicitly declare Syria’s alignment with Iran but suggested a shared stance in supporting these movements. He described the global conflict as U.S. hegemony clashing with forces of sovereignty and stability worldwide. Assad noted Israel’s waning strength due to Palestinian resistance, highlighting its psychological impact on Israel. He condemned Zionism as part of a broader colonial project, suggesting its defeat would significantly impact these ambitions. Assad asserted Syria’s role in influencing events within its borders, resisting external pressures, and supporting allied resistance movements consistently. He emphasized resilience and internal development as crucial for sustaining Syria’s participation in regional conflicts, especially against Israel. Assad stressed that Syria remains actively engaged in resisting external influence and supporting regional allies.

      1. U.S. Announces Killing of Al-Qaeda-Linked Leader in Syria

      The U.S. military announced that it conducted a strike in Syria on Friday, killing a senior leader associated with al-Qaeda. The U.S. Central Command stated on the platform “X” that the strike targeted Abu Abdul Rahman al-Makki, a high-ranking member of the al-Qaeda-linked group Hurras al-Din. Al-Makki was described as a member of the group’s Shura Council and a key figure overseeing terrorist operations from Syria.

      1. Assad Territories Struck by Israel from Jordan, Claims Iranian Newspaper

      A pro-Iranian newspaper, Al-Akhbar, accused Jordan of enabling Israeli airstrikes against Assad’s regime by allowing raids from Jordanian airspace. These strikes reportedly targeted Assad-controlled territories, intensifying pressure on his regime, which plays a critical role in the Iranian-led resistance against Israel. The newspaper claimed Jordan’s actions are part of a strategy to undermine Assad’s regime by facilitating Israeli military operations. Al-Akhbar alleged Jordan’s Foreign Minister is distorting Assad’s image among Arab and European diplomats, obstructing the Arab Contact Committee’s work. This committee, including Iraq and Lebanon, was formed to help Syria address post-war challenges, particularly the refugee crisis. The report suggested Jordan uses its involvement to further pressure Assad, notably delaying a key committee meeting in Baghdad. These accusations portray Assad’s regime as facing coordinated efforts to weaken its standing, with Jordan allegedly facilitating Israeli actions against Syrian sovereignty.


      1. Assad-Turkiye Reconciliations Hinge on Iran’s Influence

      2. Assad’s Syrian Airline Hijacks Iraq’s Aviation Revenue,ISIS Deputy Governor of Euphrates Captured

      3. U.S. Strikes IRGC, SDF Kills 18 on Ground, Israel Strikes Daraa, Turkiye Refuses to Leave, and Putin Instructs Assad to Distance from Iran

      4. US Provides SDF Air Defense, Bomber Near Miss with Russia


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