Kilani: War Crimes Trial Shows Germany’s Seriousness

Today's Headlines

On February 27, Syriawise covered the notable sentencing of former Assad militia leader Mouwafak Al. D., who was found guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity by a German court last month.  The Syriawise story featured ACLS research fellow and human rights expert Moutassim Al Kilani:


Almoutassim Al Kilani, a human rights and international criminal law expert, told Syriawise: “This verdict against Mouwafak Al. D.  confirms Germany’s seriousness in prosecuting the perpetrators of crimes and crimes against humanity in Syria. This step comes after a great effort in collecting evidence, assisting witnesses and victims, and presenting them to investigative judges.”

“This verdict is but one step in the long road to Syrian justice,” Al Kilani added.

 To see the entire article on this important development in Syrian justice and accountability, CONTINUE READING AT “”…


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