American Center for Levant Studies Internship Program


This program aims to collaborate with graduate or undergraduate students working toward a history, social sciences, law, communications, or journalism degree. ACLS seeks to offer these students an opportunity to learn research skills and expand their professional network while better understanding public policy in the Western and Middle Eastern regions.

Interns who enter the ACLS program will learn to apply research methodologies, curate significant news summaries, produce analytical reports, and support think tank events. In addition, interns can connect with policy experts from the United States, Europe, and the Middle East.

ACLS will select up to 10 interns worldwide annually, each lasting one university semester (3-5 months). Interns will be expected to work 40-60 hours/ month, averaging 10-15 hours/week. Work days and hours will be coordinated between the intern and ACLS supervisors. Interns who complete a one-semester program are eligible to apply to continue for an additional term.


Current graduate student or an undergraduate who has completed three years of university courses.
Proficiency in Microsoft Office or Google applications.
Candidates should be able to work independently, manage time wisely, focus on details, and meet deadlines. In addition, they should possess strong research, writing, editing, and analysis skills, as well as excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
Arabic and English proficiency is highly preferred.

Example Internship Tasks:
Assist ACLS staff in conducting media research on the MENA region.
Assist the ACLS editor-in-chief in developing The Early Phoenix, ACLS’s daily digest of Middle East news.
Write and edit short articles or web posts in English and Arabic, including reports for inclusion in The Region, ACLS’s periodic analytical newsletter covering major regional political trends.
Help produce think tank policy events to be conducted in person or virtually on Zoom or a similar video platform for public broadcast.

By the end of the program, interns will be able to:
Produce scientific research reports (History-Politics-Journalism)
Analyze statistical data and produce analytical reports
Conduct research-based written and verbal debates
Access a vast network of international researchers, historians, journalists, and policymakers.

Interns selected for the program will receive a stipend to support their research activities. In addition, interns who complete the program will receive a certificate of completion detailing their role and responsibilities during their internship from the director of ACLS.

Students who wish to apply should send their curriculum vitae (c.v.) or biography to [email protected], along with any documentation of English language skills if needed.  Letters of recommendation are not required but are strongly encouraged.

You can register by filling out this form


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