Joel D. Rayburn

Cole Bunzel and Joel Rayburn: The Saudi Climbdown And The Iranian Shakedown, A Hoover Caravan Podcast

Big things are shaping up in the Middle East as the Biden administration appears to be rethinking its get-tough policy on Saudi Arabia, even as it continues to hold out hope for a revived nuclear deal with Iran. Meanwhile, Russia looks poised to shut down a key humanitarian aid corridor in Syria, while the West

Cole Bunzel and Joel Rayburn: The Saudi Climbdown And The Iranian Shakedown, A Hoover Caravan Podcast Read More »

Is the Russian Military a Paper Tiger? An Interview with Joel Rayburn by “The New Yorker”

“Is the Russian Military a Paper Tiger?” by Isaac Chotiner In The New Yorker, April 6, 2022 This week, the Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, announced the onset of what he called a new phase in his country’s war on Ukraine, which appears to consist of a focus on Ukraine’s east and a more gradual speed

Is the Russian Military a Paper Tiger? An Interview with Joel Rayburn by “The New Yorker” Read More »

Syria Flag On Cracked background

Trouble For Putin’s Arab Client: Bashar Al-Assad’s Inevitable Reckoning

The disastrous Russian invasion of Ukraine will have major consequences for Putin’s allies across the world. Syria’s dictator Bashar al-Assad will be among the first to experience the negative fallout from Russia’s strategic blunder, as his regime’s reckoning may finally be approaching. Several former senior officers from Syria’s main intelligence and security agencies are facing

Trouble For Putin’s Arab Client: Bashar Al-Assad’s Inevitable Reckoning Read More »

The Biden Administration’s Syria Policy: A Forecast For War By Joel Rayburn, via The Hoover Institution’s December 7, 2021 “Caravan”

Syria as a Continuing Danger We ignore Syria at our peril.  After almost eleven years, the Syrian conflict is as acutely dangerous an international security problem as ever.  What began in 2011 as a popular revolt against Bashar al-Assad’s rule quickly expanded into a regional conflict that has no end in sight. With five external

The Biden Administration’s Syria Policy: A Forecast For War By Joel Rayburn, via The Hoover Institution’s December 7, 2021 “Caravan” Read More »

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