US Provides SDF Air Defense, Bomber Near Miss with Russia

Today's Headlines



Critical Update

Arabic Version

August 19, 2024


US Provides SDF with Avenger Defense Systems

The United States has begun training the SDF on the Avenger air defense system. This move indicates continued US involvement in Syria, despite broader foreign policy shifts away from the Middle East. The provision of advanced military equipment highlights complex power dynamics with implications for northern Syria’s stability and the Middle East. This decision follows recent attacks by Iranian militias on US bases, prompting Washington to reassess its strategy in Syria. 

SDF and Regime Forces Clash Again Along Euphrates River

Clashes reignited between regime forces and the SDF along the Euphrates River in Deir Ezzor, escalating tensions in the region. A girl was injured when regime forces attacked an SDF checkpoint in Al-Hisan Town, west of the river. Intermittent fighting also occurred in Al-Janina Town, but no casualties were reported from these skirmishes. These renewed clashes follow a ten-day period of relative calm in the area. SDF engineering vehicles began digging trenches and raising berms near Jadid Ekidat village in response to potential threats. Additional fortifications were made by the SDF in Tabiyah Jazeirah village, anticipating infiltration by Iran-backed gunmen.

ISIS Ambushes Regime Fighters in Homs, Rising Death Toll

ISIS militants ambushed a military vehicle near Al-Habil Oil Field, killing three regime-backed fighters in Homs. One of the deceased fighters was from Palmyra City, and the bodies were taken to Palmyra National Hospital. The attack increases the death toll from ongoing military operations in the Syrian desert, where ISIS continues its deadly ambushes. Since early 2024, 482 people have been killed in these operations, including 404 regime soldiers, militia members, and 49 civilians. Most of these casualties occurred in the Deir Ezzor, Homs, and Al-Raqqah deserts.

US Bomber Near Miss with Russian Plane Over Homs

A US-led coalition bomber came “dangerously close” to a Russian reconnaissance plane over Homs on Sunday, according to TASS. Captain Oleg Ignasyuk claimed the Russian crew swiftly took measures to prevent a potential collision over Syria. The incident occurred in the Al-Tanf area, where the US maintains a military base. The US Department of Defense has not commented on this event so far.

Artillery Shells Target Reopened Aleppo Crossing, Forcing Immediate Evacuation

The Syrian government reopened the Abu al-Zandin crossing in coordination with the Russian military and Turkish authorities. Today, artillery shells targeted the Abu al-Zandin crossing, forcing its evacuation shortly after it was reopened by the Syrian government, Russian military, and Turkish authorities. The shelling originated from areas controlled by the Syrian regime, disrupting the reopening process and forcing personnel to evacuate.

Assad-Turkiye Reconciliations Hinge on Iran’s Influence

The Assad regime’s potential reconciliation with Turkiye depends heavily on Iran’s role, according to Turkey’s ambassador to Tehran, Hicabi Kirlangic. He highlighted Iran’s crucial influence in normalizing relations between Damascus and Ankara, despite ongoing Turkish airstrikes against Kurdish positions in Syria, which have been condemned by the Syrian government. Kirlangic emphasized the importance of maintaining Syria’s territorial integrity and expressed hope that Iran could encourage Assad towards peaceful engagement with Turkey. He also suggested that Iran’s response to regional developments could significantly impact Syria’s stability and the broader Middle East.


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