
Israel’s national security

Israel’s Security and America’s Iran Policy: A Crucial Intersection

By: Catherine Perez-Shakdam and Rania Kisar American Center for Levant Studies ACLS , July 23, 2024.  Israel’s National Security will remain precarious until decisive American policy decisions are made preserving its allies in the Middle East with a clear policy, one will either deter future Iranian ending this coordinated war against Israel or usher in […]

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Houthis March with "Death to America" Flags

Ahmed Ayed: Time to Place the Houthis Back on the International Terrorism Blacklist

February 16, 2021 was a dark day for Yemen. On that day, the new Biden administration, after just three weeks in office, decided to remove the Houthi militias from the U.S. list of foreign terrorist organizations. In taking this misguided step, the U.S. administration explained that delisting the Houthis was essential for allowing better humanitarian

Ahmed Ayed: Time to Place the Houthis Back on the International Terrorism Blacklist Read More »

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